Many years ago I decided that I wanted to stop dreaming and start making my dreams reality. A young artist (singer, poet, actor, writer) struggling in Toronto, I carried not only my burden but all the burdens of my fellow artists. There is this thing that happens when we decide that we want others to see the artists we have always been. Somehow we forget that there is a business involved in what we do and that we are worth not what others think they should pay for art but much much more. So I did something about it and MovementCulture was born. An organization created to empower artists by connecting them with other artists and providing them a real platform to display their art.
Artists that many New Yorkers on the art scene know were a part of our debut event...

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They were great parties with food, music, peotry and of course some of the greatest Dj's always rolled through and made special guest appearances.
Eventually I was evicted from our amazing loft space that we had renovated and had created so many amazing memories in over the year. It was a tough time, court and such. But as we all know there is always silver lining if we are just patient.
I went out and furiously tried to find another space that we could keep doing what we had already started. It was tough but the space that we did find became something that I had been dreaming of since I was a child. A place to meet, eat and feel good... And so began Moja Tea Gallery. A small retail space in downtown Toronto where artists showed work and where I began making my epic fresh squeezed iced tea. Apple-Basil-Ginger Sencha Green Tea anyone?